If you have a double chin, it may make you look overweight, unattractive, and older than you are. KYBELLA® is an innovative new treatment that can reduce submental fullness and effectively eliminate a double chin. KYBELLA® is the first and only non-surgical treatment specially designed to target submental fat. Dr. Schlechter uses non-surgical KYBELLA® injections to reduce a double chin and create a slender and more defined neckline.
Am I a Candidate for Kybella®?
If you have excess fat beneath your chin and wish to eliminate it without undergoing surgery, you may be a candidate for KYBELLA®. KYBELLA® treatments are approved for patients ages 18 and older who eat well and exercise regularly but are bothered by persistent submental fullness. Interested patients should inform Dr. Schlechter of any factors that may affect whether they qualify for KYBELLA®, such as a history of facial or neck surgery, medical conditions in the neck area, difficulty swallowing, bleeding problems, or if they are pregnant or nursing.
The Kybella® Procedure
KYBELLA® treatments are performed in Dr. Schlechter’s office and last fewer than 20 minutes. For this procedure, Dr. Schlechter will inject KYBELLA® directly into the submental area. The deoxycholic acid in KYBELLA® will subsequently break down the submental fat cells over the next four to six weeks. The body will then flush the damaged fat cells from the body. If multiple treatments are needed, the treatments will be spaced at least four weeks apart. Many patients are satisfied with their results after two to four treatments, though up to six treatments may be necessary. After KYBELLA® has produced the desired results, no more treatments will be needed. The deoxycholic acid will remain in the treated area and will prevent fat accumulation in the future.
Recovery and Results After Kybella® Treatments
There is no downtime or recovery associated with KYBELLA® treatments. Patients may experience temporary side effects, including swelling, redness, bruising, numbness, or discomfort, for a period of time after the procedure. Over the following four to six weeks, you will observe a gradual reduction in submental fullness that culminates in the elimination of your double chin. Once your treatment plan with KYBELLA® has reached its end, you will be able to look forward to having a permanently slimmer neckline with no submental fullness and no double chin. KYBELLA® treatments can help you look thinner, more youthful, and more attractive.
If you are interested in eliminating your double chin and submental fullness, contact Dr. Benjamin Schlechter to learn more about how KYBELLA® treatments could help you. Please call (610) 678-9200 or contact us online to schedule your personal consultation today.