Gynecomastia Surgery Options

For men, a sculpted, muscular chest is a sign of masculinity. Exercise regimens are catered toward developing defined pectorals, and the media often showcases men with muscular upper bodies. In reality, however, many men are unable to achieve this ideal characteristic.

Some men suffer from gynecomastia, or overdeveloped breast tissue, which gives a feminine appearance to the upper body. If you are experiencing enlarged breast tissue, it is likely that finding well-fitting clothes is difficult. This condition and the inability to feel confident in clothing are two significant factors that can lead to diminished self-esteem and embarrassment in your appearance.

Luckily, Dr. Schlechter performs gynecomastia surgery to reduce the size of your breast tissue and restore a more sculpted and masculine upper body.

Dr. Benjamin Schlechter - Gynecomastia Surgery Before and After Photos

Procedure Options

There are multiple ways Dr. Schlechter can perform gynecomastia surgery. During your consultation, Dr. Schlechter will physically examine you to determine if you have gynecomastia and the best treatment for you.

Liposuction Only

If your specific case of gynecomastia is mild, it may be treated solely with liposuction. During this procedure, Dr. Schlechter will make an incision in each breast and insert a cannula to extract excess fat, reducing the appearance of your enlarged breasts.

If the skin is in need of additional tightening, J-Plasma® Renuvion™ skin tightening may be more appropriate in conjunction with traditional liposuction. Smartlipo™ may also be used and utilizes laser technology that aids in the fat extraction process by melting fat cells. The heat of the laser also stimulates collagen production. Essential to your skin’s health, collagen helps to maintain skin elasticity and can help tighten your skin after fat removal.

Liposuction Plus Skin Removal

For moderate to severe cases of gynecomastia, Dr. Schlechter will use liposuction to remove the fat and then trim away any excess skin to restore a more masculine chest. Dr. Schlechter will do his best to place the incision in a location as inconspicuous as possible. Typically, with the new Smartlipo™ and J-Plasma® Renuvion™ technologies, skin excision is not necessary.


Your results will be noticeable immediately but may be hidden by some temporary swelling and bruising that will improve after a few days but will take months to see the final result. Your incision and subsequent scarring will depend on the type of procedure needed and the length and location of the incision. You can be sure that your upper body will look more masculine and defined, so you are ready to show it off!

If you’d like to find out if you are a strong candidate for gynecomastia surgery, please contact our office to set up a consultation with Dr. Schlechter. Our office can be reached at (610) 678-9200.

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Our Location

Benjamin Schlechter M.D.
2603 Keiser Blvd Suite 207
Wyomissing PA 19610
(610) 678-9200

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