Are you insecure about the size or shape of your labia? Do you have large vaginal lips and experience discomfort during your regular, daily activities? Do feel self-conscious about your labia during intimate moments?
If any of those concerns resonate with you, then you should know that labiaplasty is an effective way to reduce the size and shape of the labia minora (the inner lips of the labia). In addition to experiencing changes due to the natural aging process, it is also common for life events like pregnancy and childbirth to cause your vaginal lips to enlarge, often to the point of discomfort. While many women are already aware that labiaplasty is a viable option to help correct these issues, many are concerned about the recovery time of the procedure.
What to Expect During the Procedure
Labiaplasty is an outpatient procedure performed under IV sedation. It involves removing and tightening the tissue and reshaping the labia, where necessary. Dr. Schlechter uses two labiaplasty techniques during this procedure and will determine which is most appropriate for you during your consultation appointment.
Central Wedge Resection
The central wedge resection is Dr. Schlechter’s preferred labiaplasty method and one most commonly used to reduce the size of the labia minora. After removing a wedge of tissue from the labia, Dr. Schlechter will close the incision with dissolvable sutures.
Trim Method
The trim technique is used to reduce the size and length of the labia. This technique involves removing a strip of tissue along the entire edge of the lips before closing the incision with dissolvable sutures.
Common Recovery Questions
How much pain will I experience?
The procedure itself is performed under general anesthesia, so there will be no pain during the surgery. After the procedure, experiencing some discomfort is typical, but this is easily managed with over-the-counter or prescription medication. Other symptoms you may experience include temporary swelling and/or bruising.
What will help my recovery?
During the first few days following your surgery, you should make sure to get plenty of rest. Swelling can be minimized by icing the area and lying with it elevated. After the first day, light walking is encouraged to help increase blood flow, which will aid healing.
When can I go back to work or resume my normal activities?
Most patients take a week off from work, but this is highly dependent on the type of job you have. A more physically demanding job will require taking off more time. Normal daily activities are okay to resume after that time, but patients should avoid exercising and more strenuous activities for two to three weeks. Dr. Schlechter will give you more guidance during your follow-up visit.
How long until I can have sex?
It is essential to allow yourself enough time to fully heal. Full pelvic rest is recommended for at least four to six weeks following the procedure. You must avoid having sexual intercourse or using tampons during this time.
Dr. Schlechter will provide you with more information regarding the recovery process for labiaplasty during your initial consultation. Call us today at (610) 678-9200 to schedule your appointment.
This entry was posted on Monday, June 4th, 2018 at 12:29 pm and is filed under Body Plastic Surgery, Patient Resources. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed.
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The recovery after any major surgery is usually a cause for concern among patients. People prefer to know what to expect so that they can be prepared for it. The rhinoplasty recovery experience is based on patient health, ability to heal, surgical technique, and the surgeon. While there is some variability, the following guideline will help you understand what to expect during your recovery after rhinoplasty.
How Surgical Technique Affects the Recovery
The surgical technique during a rhinoplasty is a critical influencing factor for recovery. For example, an open rhinoplasty, which usually makes more adjustments to the nasal tissues than a closed rhinoplasty, may result in more postoperative swelling or a longer recovery. Patients who require the breaking of nasal bones, significant tip work, and/or extensive tissue dissection or elevation may also expect a longer recovery with increased swelling, soreness, and bruising. Surprisingly, rhinoplasty surgery is typically minimally to non-painful. Knowing as much as possible about the details of the surgical technique that your surgeon will use during your rhinoplasty will help you better prepare for your recovery.
What to Expect During Recovery
Splint and Packing
Immediately after rhinoplasty, a splint will be applied to help your nose maintain its new shape through the healing process. Soft splints or nasal packing may also be placed inside the nose to stabilize the internal nasal structures. Nasal packing, if inserted, is removed within a few days after surgery.
A dull headache or aching in the nose can be common for the first few days after the procedure. Pain is not usually significant, and most patients only need pain medications for a day or two (if at all). Severe pain is rare; should you feel severe pain, consult your surgeon right away as you may have an infection or other concern that needs immediate attention.
A feeling of puffiness or congestion can persist for the first few days after surgery. This puffiness is caused by swelling inside the nose and will temporarily inhibit your sense of smell. Noticeable nasal congestion may persist for several weeks, but it should begin to ease within a few days after the procedure.
After rhinoplasty, your nose may feel slightly numb, especially in the tip. Certain facial expressions may feel strange or unusual, but this is only temporary. As the numbness wears off over the following weeks and months, your nose will begin to feel normal again.
Nasal Breathing
If you underwent correction of a deviated septum as a part of your rhinoplasty surgery, you might notice an improvement in nasal breathing shortly after the procedure. As the swelling subsides, this will improve even more noticeably. Patients who did not have major breathing difficulties before the procedure may be more bothered by the initial congestion. As congestion subsides, you will be able to breathe more clearly through your nose.
Bruising is also common during the first week of recovery after rhinoplasty. These bruises may spread across your cheeks. The degree of bruising can vary but is usually minor to moderate. Some of the factors that influence bruising include surgical technique, age, medications, skin thickness, and bleeding disorders. You can minimize postoperative bruising by avoiding blood thinners (such as ibuprofen or aspirin) for at least two weeks before surgery and continuing to avoid them until your surgeon has indicated that it is safe to use them again. Bruising will be mostly gone by one week after the surgery.
You should expect to experience swelling after your rhinoplasty. Postoperative swelling will temporarily affect your comfort level and congestion and may cause your upper lip to feel stiff for a few weeks. Much of the swelling will go away within three weeks after the surgery and will continue to subside. By six weeks after surgery, the majority of swelling will dissipate, but minor swelling can take up to a year to fully resolve.
Things to Do
Be sure to follow your surgeon’s post-operative instructions during your recovery. Take all medications as instructed, and keep your head elevated after your surgery to reduce congestion and swelling. Use cool compresses for the first two days to reduce swelling and bruising. Use a saline spray as instructed by your surgeon to help with any dryness or nasal crusting. Get lots of rest, eat well, and engage in light activities such as walking to promote healthy healing.
Things to Avoid
During the first few weeks after your rhinoplasty, take care to avoid excessively dry environments. You may need to use a humidifier if you live in a dry climate. Avoid nasal irritants and allergens. It is also important to avoid blowing your nose after rhinoplasty until your surgeon has given you permission to do so. Bending over is not recommended for at least three weeks, as this can increase swelling and aching. Avoid exercise for the allotted timeline of four to six weeks, and avoid activities that will be likely to injure or damage your nose. All the same, there is no need to be overly cautious and avoid touching your nose entirely.
Rhinoplasty Timelines
The first few days are the toughest after rhinoplasty. By day three or four after surgery, you will likely be feeling on the mend. You may be able to return to work within a week after your surgery, at which point you will likely feel more socially presentable. You can apply facial makeup at this point. After two weeks, most people will not be able to immediately tell that you underwent nose surgery.
Limit your physical activity for a full four to six weeks. If you have any major social events such as a wedding in the future, schedule your rhinoplasty at least a few months beforehand to allow plenty of time for healing and for swelling to subside. Lastly, remember that internal swelling may take up to a full year to resolve, at which point you can finally celebrate your complete rhinoplasty results.
Rhinoplasty can enhance facial harmony and improve the appearance of the nose. If you have any more questions about rhinoplasty recovery, contact Dr. Benjamin Schlechter for a complimentary, personal consultation. To request your appointment, please call (610) 678-9200 or contact us online today.
This entry was posted on Friday, June 9th, 2017 at 12:39 am and is filed under Facial Plastic Surgery, Patient Resources. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed.
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Patients who are considering a Brazilian butt lift (BBL) may wonder what the recovery period will be like after surgery. Dr. Schlechter and his staff will do everything possible to help the recovery be as painless and successful as possible. This guide will go over what to expect during recovery and what patients can do during recovery to guarantee the best possible results from their BBL.
What To Expect During Brazilian Butt Lift Recovery
Soreness, bruising, tenderness, and redness may occur beginning soon after surgery. These symptoms of discomfort or distress to the tissues are temporary and can be minimized with prescription pain medications. Any discomfort should subside within a few weeks.
Activity and Sitting
Patients must be driven home by a friend or family member after their Brazilian butt lift. All patients should avoid sitting as much as possible for three full weeks after BBL surgery; sitting during this time can compromise the results. Most patients can return to work after three weeks of recovery. For patients whose jobs do not require periods of prolonged sitting, it may be appropriate to return to work after two weeks based on how healing has progressed. Exercise should be avoided for approximately six weeks after surgery.
Using a BBL Cushion
Dr. Schlechter provides all of his BBL patients with a recovery packet which includes a recommendation on the proper cushion to use when sitting after a BBL. This will be a product designed specifically for use during recovery after a Brazilian butt lift. This helps reduce pressure on sensitive areas and provide necessary support for the back and legs while the body heals. With the proper cushion, patients can sit back without risking the quality of their results.
Fat Resorption
After the surgery, the body will reabsorb approximately 20 to 40 percent of the newly grafted fat. Dr. Schlechter accounts for this by injecting excess fatty tissue so that after fat resorption, there will be sufficient adipose tissue remaining to permanently augment the buttocks as desired.
Other Elements
During recovery, patients may also be given instructions regarding other elements such as antibiotics and how to look out for signs of complications. These details are provided to patients prior to the surgery so that they can appropriately prepare for the procedure.
How to Guarantee the Best Results During Recovery
Patients should follow all of Dr. Schlechter’s recommendations during recovery if they wish to achieve the greatest results after their procedure. In particular, patients should follow the recommendation to avoid sitting as much as possible for three full weeks and use the recommended BBL cushion whenever sitting is necessary. In addition, patients should sleep on their side or stomach at night to avoid putting pressure on the fat grafts. After approximately six to eight months, the final results will be noticeable. By following the instructions provided by Dr. Schlechter, patients can look forward to the most gratifying results and a more attractive body shape after Brazilian butt lift surgery.
Brazilian butt lift surgery can enhance your body shape and give you the firm, round, shapely backside that you desire. Schedule your personal consultation for BBL surgery with Dr. Benjamin Schlechter to learn more. Call (610) 678-9200 or complete our online contact form to book your consultation with us today.
This entry was posted on Monday, October 31st, 2016 at 4:43 pm and is filed under Patient Resources. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed.
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When Is the Best Time of Year for Plastic Surgery?
Have you ever wondered when is the best season for plastic surgery? Believe it or not, plastic surgery is cyclical, with certain procedures being more popular during certain seasons of the year. Read more about the best seasons to undergo specific plastic surgery procedures in Dr. Schlechter and Dr. Jacob Bloom’s article North Shore Aesthetics Offers Plastic Surgery for All Seasons that was published in Lady: A Woman’s Guide by 22nd Century® Media on April 30, 2015.
This entry was posted on Friday, May 1st, 2015 at 4:59 pm and is filed under Patient Resources. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed.
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Preoperative imaging can give patients an idea of what to expect following surgery
People are sometimes hesitant to undergo plastic surgery because they are unsure of how they will look after the procedure. They are often concerned that the surgeon will not fully understand the particular changes they want and will not achieve the appearance they desire. Some potential patients worry that the changes made will be too drastic or that their alterations may not look balanced with the rest of their unique features. Fortunately, here at Spring Ridge Plastic Surgery we have a way to help relieve these pre-procedure anxieties.
Vectra 3D Imaging
Dr. Schlechter offers Vectra 3D Imaging to help his patients feel more comfortable and confident about undergoing plastic surgery. This state-of-the-art technology helps Dr. Schlechter plan your surgery to try to achieve your desired results. It helps take the guesswork out and allows Dr. Schlechter to better understand your goals and expectations.
If you only have a vague idea of what you want from a procedure, the Vectra 3D Imaging system allows the opportunity to get an idea as to how various changes may look on you. Additionally, this advanced imaging system helps you understand what is and is not achievable with plastic surgery.
Vectra 3D Imaging is most effective at imaging the breasts and nose.
How Does Vectra 3D Work?
The Vectra 3D Imaging system takes a detailed, three-dimensional picture of your features. Then, the Sculptor™ software allows Dr. Schlechter to make specific and detailed adjustments to your image. These adjustments will be based on an in-depth discussion between you and Dr. Schlechter about what you hope to achieve with your procedure. If the image of your anticipated results does not match what you want, additional adjustments to the image can be made until it more closely resembles your goals. Patients have to understand that almost anything can be achieved on a computer screen, and this may not be the case in an actual surgical situation. Dr. Schlechter will help guide you to perceive and understand realistic results.
If you are interested in enhancing your appearance with plastic surgery in the Lancaster, PA area, please call (610) 678-9200 or fill out our online contact form to request your complimentary consultation. Dr. Benjamin Schlechter is highly experienced performing a range of procedures with a variety of techniques for subtle or significant enhancements to achieve the appearance you desire.
This entry was posted on Tuesday, November 18th, 2014 at 7:27 pm and is filed under Patient Resources. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed.
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Dr. Benjamin Schlechter, a breast augmentation surgeon in the Lancaster, PA, area, is now offering innovative 3D imaging technology so his patients can be more clear in their cosmetic surgery expectations.
Wyomissing, Pennsylvania (February 2012) – Dr. Benjamin Schlechter who specializes in breast augmentation in the Lancaster, PA, area, is now offering Vectra® 3D imaging for his plastic surgery patients. This technology helps patients ease their uncertainty prior to a procedure by using digital imaging to create pictures of potential results.
“I’m always looking for ways to improve the surgical process and methods for helping women and men feel more comfortable with a proposed procedure,” Dr. Schlechter says. “Vectra 3D imaging helps patients visualize what they may look like after recovering from plastic surgery procedures. This creates a more efficient consultation process and minimizes the guesswork associated with choosing the most effective procedure.”
Using three-dimensional pictures of a patient’s physical features, Vectra 3D imaging is able to capture small details to create an accurate digital image. Dr. Schlechter then uploads the image into Sculptor™ software, where he is able to make small adjustments for his patients near Allentown. Liposuction and other cosmetic procedures can be improved through this technology.
“Vectra 3D imaging enables me to create images of what patients could look like after a procedure,” says Dr. Schlechter. “Once a patient looks at the potential results, she or he is able to give feedback. From there, I can make minor adjustments to the plan to create the desired results. This back-and-forth discussion helps patients visualize how they can enhance their appearances, and it assists me by creating a more accurate picture of their likes and dislikes.”
Dr. Schlechter explains that most of the uneasiness from patients prior to surgery comes from a fear that their plastic surgeons in the Lancaster, PA, area don’t fully understand their desired results. Vectra 3D imaging helps relieve this fear by creating digital images that both the patient and the surgeon can see and agree on.
“Vectra 3D imaging is a great way for patients to create a more accurate picture of their potential results,” Dr. Schlechter says. “Although this software is extremely advanced, it should be noted that variations in results can still occur. With this information in mind, patients can use this technology to feel more comfortable with surgery and more assured about getting beautiful and natural looking results.”
If you want to learn more about how Vectra 3D imaging can help you plan your cosmetic surgery procedure, request a free consultation with Dr. Schlechter. Or, you can call our Wyomissing office at (610) 678-9200 to schedule an appointment.
This entry was posted on Thursday, February 9th, 2012 at 7:12 am and is filed under Patient Resources. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed.
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The Proserpi-Schlechter Center for Plastic Surgery has added 3D animations and information about cosmetic plastic surgery procedures like liposuction, eyelid surgery and breast augmentation to its Web site.
Wyomissing, Pennsylvania (January 2011) – The Proserpi-Schlechter Center for Plastic Surgery now offers 3D animation videos on its Web site for women and men considering procedures such as liposuction, face lifts and breast augmentation. This new feature allows people considering plastic surgeons in Reading and Lancaster, PA to see step-by-step animations of surgical procedures, providing a more in-depth understanding of what to expect during surgery.
“We are thrilled to offer this new technology to women and men considering cosmetic surgery,” says board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Benjamin Schlechter. “These videos, which can be viewed free of charge on our Web site, are an important addition because they provide visitors with the information they need about the procedure or procedures they are considering, all in an easy-to-understand format.”
The engaging visual content delivers an interactive educational experience with lifelike animation models, rotating graphics, narration, and text captions describing each step of the surgical process. The videos are between 5 to 10 minutes long and are available for the full range of plastic surgery procedures offered at Dr. Schlechter’s plastic surgery practice in Reading. A brief introduction welcomes viewers to the page and includes a personalized “Doctor’s Note” from Dr. Schlechter. People can then watch the complete slide show or select specific steps that they are most interested in.
“Our main goal is to take some of the unknowns out of surgery, which helps to make the conversation during the plastic surgery consultation that much richer, while also providing peace of mind right from the start,” Dr. Schlechter explains. “The new digital content available on our Web site accomplishes this because it is both visually compelling as well as informative. People can watch, read, and listen to the procedures that interest them, including liposuction, face lifts or breast augmentation in Lancaster, PA. This is truly an innovation in healthcare.”
It comes as no surprise that the Proserpi-Schlechter Center for Plastic Surgery is once again at the forefront of advanced technology – the state-of-the-art facility has earned a reputation as an equal to surgery centers in major metropolitan areas. The Center’s luxurious 10,000 square foot facility includes an in-office surgical suite as well as a medical spa for non-surgical procedures. The practice is praised for using both time-honored techniques as well as the most up-to-date equipment that ensures patient safety, comfort, and results.
“Every decision we make is made in the best interests of our patients,” Dr. Schlechter says. “From our modern office and friendly staff to the new features available on our Web site, we are devoted to providing the best experience possible.”
This entry was posted on Sunday, January 9th, 2011 at 7:06 am and is filed under Patient Resources. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed.
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