Facelift surgery is performed to counteract the typical signs of aging and the effects of sun damage. It is the go-to procedure to address lines, wrinkles, and volume loss on the mid and lower regions of the face and neck. While this procedure is at the top of the list regarding effectiveness and longevity in its results, no anti-aging procedure will ever be permanent because no surgery can stop the continual and natural progression of aging.
If you have had a facelift and are once again noticing the frustration of aging, Spring Ridge Plastic Surgery offers several non-surgical and non-invasive options to restore and maintain your youthful facial contours.
Laser Skin Tightening
Laser skin tightening returns youthfulness to the face and neck by using laser heat to stimulate the production of collagen. Collagen is the protein found in your skin that is responsible for your skin’s structure and suppleness. These laser treatments reach deep layers of the skin so that you can achieve correction of even moderate to severe facial lines. Often, there is little or no downtime or recovery period, and you can return to normal activities immediately following treatment.
Injectable treatments offer relief from fine lines, wrinkles, and volume loss. Injectables use a variety of ingredients and formulas to restore volume to hollowed facial features and deep lines and indentations. Although these injectables only offer temporary relief, they can be repeated as often as necessary to keep your skin looking smooth and plump. Some of the injectable treatments offered by Spring Ridge Plastic Surgery include:
Hyaluronic acid fillers like JUVÉDERM®, Restylane®, JUVÉDERM VOLUMA® XC, Sculptra® Aesthetic, and RADIESSE®: These fillers bind moisture to the skin to maintain youthful fullness.
RADIESSE®: This injectable stimulates collagen production and provides structure to reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.
Sculptra® Aesthetic: This treatment restores volume to facial fat loss by promoting collagen growth.
Combining Treatments
While laser skin tightening and injectables are useful in touching up newly formed wrinkles and fine lines after facelift surgery, they can also be performed in combination with a facelift to address the signs of aging in the upper regions of the face. Lasers and injectable treatments can restore youthfulness to the eye and forehead area while the facelift is doing the same to the middle and lower region of the face. And dermal fillers, such as JUVÉDERM® and Restylane®, can enhance fullness and plumpness to the lips that is not possible through traditional facelift surgery.
Maintaining Your Results
No matter what procedure, or combination of procedures, you undergo, it is up to you to maintain your results. Facial aging will continue, but you can help to postpone it. Protecting yourself from the sun, following a nutritious diet, and a good skin care regimen will all help to push back the formation of fine lines and wrinkles so that you can wait a little longer before considering a touch-up procedure.
For more information about any of these procedures, contact Dr. Schlechter at Spring Ridge Plastic Surgery by calling (610) 678-9200 or by filling out our online contact form to set up a consultation.
This entry was posted on Sunday, February 10th, 2019 at 2:23 pm and is filed under Injectables, Laser Treatments, Non-Surgical Procedures. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed.
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In the wake of the “selfie” revolution, millennials are turning to cosmetic surgery in droves. Both surgical and non-surgical procedures have seen a consistent spike in recent years, and many attribute this increase to young men and women desiring to look better in their selfies.
Areas of Enhancement
Double Chin
Procedures that have seen a significant increase due to selfie awareness are those that improve the appearance of the dreaded “double chin.” Submental fullness has been damaging men and women’s self-confidence for decades.
There are both non-surgical and surgical procedures to treat a double chin. truSculpt™ is a non-invasive procedure that can target and treat submental fat. This procedure uses pulses of radiofrequency energy to destroy unwanted fat cells in the neck area while simultaneously shrinking skin to reveal a tight and firm jawline that will be noticeable in your selfies.
KYBELLA® is an FDA-approved injectable that targets and eliminates submental fat. It accomplishes this by absorbing and destroying the fat cells so that fat can no longer be stored beneath the chin. Most patients require two to six treatments to achieve their desired results. For patients with a higher degree of submental fullness, liposuction of the chin and neck combined with the skin-tightening procedure Renuvion™ can remove a double chin.
Another surgical procedure that has seen an increase thanks to selfies is rhinoplasty. Many patients are finding that the proximity of their camera to their face can sometimes flatten or accentuate the size and shape of their noses. For this reason, many young men and women are choosing to undergo nose surgery.
Rhinoplasty can reshape and recontour the nose to match your desired nasal appearance, whether it is for confidence-enhancing reasons or selfie-related concerns. Non-surgical can also be performed to help camouflage the nasal hump. Fillers in other areas of the nose can also help enhance the appearance.
While some individuals are born with naturally thin lips, other patients experience thinning of the lips with the progression of aging. Injectable fillers such as JUVÉDERM® Ultra XC, JUVÉDERM VOLBELLA® XC, and Restylane® Silk can enhance lip fullness, allowing millennials to achieve more luscious, full lips in just one treatment.
While the idea of looking better in selfies is leading many millennials to choose cosmetic surgery, it isn’t the only benefit that these procedures can provide. Both non-surgical and surgical cosmetic treatments can help individuals restore their youthful contours, improve their confidence, and increase their self-esteem.
To learn more about these treatments, contact Spring Ridge Plastic Surgery by calling 610-678-9200 to set up a consultation.
Individuals who are fed up with the inability to lose those final few pounds often turn to cosmetic surgery for help. If this sounds like something that you may also be interested in, know that you are not alone. There is absolutely nothing wrong with desiring a little extra help when it comes to sculpting your physique and attacking those final few inches.
Some areas of fat are resistant to any amount of diet and exercise, and, unfortunately, they always seem to be placed in the most inconvenient of places. Many people choose liposuction to remove excess fat. However, since liposuction doesn’t address skin laxity, it is often combined with a more invasive surgical procedure, such as a tummy tuck for the abdomen, an arm lift for the upper arms, or a thigh lift for the legs.
While these body contouring procedures are successful in removing excess fat and treating skin laxity, they may be more invasive than some men and women want. For this reason, Spring Ridge Plastic Surgery offers two non-invasive body contouring procedures that not only remove unwanted fat but also tighten the skin: SculpSure® and truSculpt™.
How do SculpSure® and truSculpt™ Work?
SculpSure® and truSculpt™ are revolutionary body contouring techniques that eliminate excess fat and tighten the skin while requiring no surgery, no downtime, and no pain or discomfort.
These benefits make them a great alternative to liposuction and other more invasive surgical procedures. SculpSure® uses laser light energy to permanently destroy the fat cells and tighten the skin whereas truSculpt™ uses radiofrequency energy to kill the fat cells and tighten the skin. The body then naturally processes and eliminates the damaged fat cells. Both of these treatments often require a minimum of two sessions, and the final fat reduction results become apparent over the following three to six months. With time, you will notice the progressive shrinking and tightening of the treatment areas.
SculpSure® Treatment Areas:
Love handles
truSculpt™ Treatment Areas:
Upper arms
Am I a Candidate?
Candidates for Sculpsure® and truSculpt™ should be at or near their ideal body weight since these treatments are not an alternative to weight loss. It is estimated that SculpSure® and truSculpt™ can help a patient lose up to 24 percent of their fat cells in the treatment area.
If you desire a higher level of fat removal, these procedures may not be best for you. And while SculpSure® and truSculpt™ will remove unwanted fat and tighten the skin, candidates must be dedicated to maintaining their results. Following a healthy and active lifestyle will help ensure the quality and longevity of your results.
If you are tired of sweating it out at the gym only to achieve minimal results and are not ready for surgery, non-invasive fat reduction may be a great option for you. To learn more about SculpSure® and truSculpt™, contact Spring Ridge Plastic Surgery by calling 610-678-9200 to schedule your consultation.
This entry was posted on Tuesday, December 4th, 2018 at 1:19 pm and is filed under Non-Surgical Procedures. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed.
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Gynecomastia is a condition that affects the confidence and health of many men. It occurs when there is an excess amount of breast tissue, fat, and skin in a man’s chest.
There are several causes of this excess ranging from genetics to hormones to steroid use, and unfortunately, gynecomastia is a condition that doesn’t respond to diet and exercise. Gynecomastia is treated through surgery, where liposuction is performed in the chest area and excess breast tissue is removed.
This combination often resulted in sagging and excess skin that needed to be removed surgically to make the chest appear smoother to reveal a tighter contour. Now, however, surgical skin removal may not be necessary, as a new technology, known as Renuvion™, is coming to light.
What Is Renuvion™?
Renuvion™, formerly known as J-Plasma®, is a minimally invasive procedure that can replace surgical skin removal for many patients. Renuvion™ combines helium plasma and radiofrequency (RF) energy to tighten skin laxity and stimulate collagen production, which allows your skin to maintain its taut, youthful quality longer.
The helium plasma and RF energy simultaneously heat and cool the tissue beneath the skin to tighten and smooth the skin. This procedure is safe and effective, and it comes without the risks associated with skin removal and without unintended trauma to the surrounding tissues. Results with Renuvion™ start to show immediately and continue to improve over the course of six months to a year.
How Can Renuvion™ Treat Gynecomastia?
Renuvion™ can aid men who are dissatisfied with the appearance of gynecomastia and excess skin on their chests. For men suffering from this condition, liposuction is first performed to remove the excess fat. This removal often highlights excess, sagging skin on the chest.
Before the Renuvion™ system, surgical excision of the skin was necessary, which was invasive and left behind an unwanted, extensive scar on the breast area. Renuvion™ can replace this need for many patients. Helium plasma is delivered under the skin through the liposuction incisions to promote skin tightening and reduce the chance of needing more invasive surgical procedures.
Spring Ridge Plastic Surgery is proud to offer Renuvion™ as an option for non-surgical skin tightening. This tightening not only benefits men suffering from gynecomastia, but it can also help firm up any area of the body, including the abdomen, arms, and neck.
For more information or to set up a consultation, contact Spring Ridge Plastic Surgery by calling (610) 678-9200.
This entry was posted on Friday, August 24th, 2018 at 8:04 am and is filed under Body Plastic Surgery, Non-Surgical Procedures. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed.
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For many patients, having a younger-looking face is a top priority. While over-the-counter options sound appealing, they often do little more than hide facial blemishes while requiring daily maintenance. Your other option is a surgical procedure, but you may be hesitant to choose an invasive procedure.
The good news is that there are other options available that will rejuvenate your face. If you’d like to be free from lines, wrinkles, and other blemishes, non-surgical injectables can provide you with a refreshed, youthful appearance with no downtime.
Spring Ridge Plastic Surgery offers some of the most popular injectables in the country. Dr. Schlechter is an expert injector with over two decades of experience, and he performs all injections himself. With his expertise and knowledge of the specific function of each injectable, he will help you find the one or a combination most appropriate for addressing your treatment goals.
RADIESSE® targets lost volume in your skin. As you age, the cells that give you volume begin to decline in production. This injectable not only provides for the lost volume, but it has also been shown to stimulate collagen growth and production to help your body maintain your results longer. RADIESSE® corrects moderate to severe wrinkles in the face and can also be used to restore volume to the back of the hands.
Sculptra® Aesthetic
Sculptra® Aesthetic also targets lost volume in the face, filling in deep lines and wrinkles. It’s injected deep into the lower levels of the skin and stimulates collagen production in your face. Multiple treatments are typically required to meet your treatment goals.
Hyaluronic Acid Fillers
There is a group of fillers made of hyaluronic acid (HA). This substance is a naturally occurring sugar in your body and aids in maintaining hydration and volume in your skin. Since each formulation is different, Dr. Schlechter can best help you determine which is the most appropriate type for your treatment.
Restylane® also corrects facial wrinkles and adds volume back to the face. Dr. Schlechter offers a variety of formulations, including:
Restylane®, which targets facial wrinkles around the mouth. It can also correct volume loss and restore volume under the eyes.
Restylane® Silk, which also treats lip lines and can be used to enhance the fullness of the lips.
Restylane® Lyft™ (formerly Perlane-L®), which is most appropriate for deep facial lines. It also treats volume loss in the cheeks.
Restylane® Refyne™, which targets smile lines and the appearance of vertical lines on the chin.
Restylane® Defyne™, which is another formulation that targets smile lines and vertical lines on the chin.
Multiple JUVÉDERM® formulations mean you can target multiple problem sites:
JUVÉDERM® XC smooths moderate to severe smile lines (the lines that stretch from the corner of your smile to the base of your nose). Results last up to one year.
JUVÉDERM VOLLURE™ XC is also used to smooth moderate to severe wrinkles. With the addition of VYCROSS® technology (a special formulation of hyaluronic acid), your results can last up to 18 months.
JUVÉDERM VOLUMA® XC restores volume to the cheeks that has been lost due to the effects of aging. This formulation also includes VYCROSS® technology.
JUVÉDERM® Ultra XC enhances lips by adding volume. You can also use it to correct moderate to severe smile lines. With this formulation, your results can last up to one year.
JUVÉDERM VOLBELLA® XC smooths the lip lines and adds volume to the lips. With the added VYCROSS® technology, your results can last up to one year.
Botulinum Toxin A Injectables
Botulinum Toxin A injectables are injectables that minimize the appearance of moderate to severe frown lines and wrinkles around the eyes and on the forehead. Different from the other injectables listed, Botulinum Toxin A injectables work by relaxing the muscles that are causing wrinkles. Each of the options available to you at Spring Ridge Plastic Surgery targets different needs, and Dr. Schlechter can help you determine which is most appropriate for you.
BOTOX® Cosmetic
BOTOX® Cosmetic (onabotulinumtoxinA) is the most popular option. It can be used to target frown lines, forehead wrinkles, and crow’s feet, and it is used more often than any other option in targeting wrinkles on the upper face. BOTOX® Cosmetic is administered in small doses but still provides dramatic results.
Dysport® (abobotulinumtoxinA) is also used to target frown lines, crow’s feet, and wrinkles on the forehead. This works in the same manner as BOTOX® Cosmetic.
XEOMIN® (incobotulinumtoxinA) is the newest addition to this family of injectables. It also targets frown lines, crow’s feet, and forehead wrinkles. This also works in the same manner as BOTOX® Cosmetic.
Recovery and Results
Every injectable treatment occurs in our office in less than one hour. Total treatment time varies depending on the injectable and the number of treatment sites targeted. Afterward, you will be able to resume your daily activities with no downtime. You may experience some mild swelling or bruising at the treatment sites, but this will subside quickly.
The onset of results differs slightly depending on the specific injectable treatment you chose, but full results will occur over time as the injectable stimulates your body to continue rejuvenating itself.
To find out more information about the injectables we offer, contact our office to set up your consultation with Dr. Schlechter. You can reach us at (610) 678-9200 or by filling out our online contact form.
This entry was posted on Tuesday, August 14th, 2018 at 3:13 pm and is filed under Injectables, Non-Surgical Procedures. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed.
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Medical-grade skincare products can provide incredible anti-aging, non-surgical facial rejuvenation. When combined with the TCA chemical peel andlaser resurfacing, patients can have even better results and younger, healthier skin. These skincare treatments can be used with medical-grade skincare products to help individuals fight signs of aging and renew their skin.
TCA Chemical Peel
A chemical peel uses a chemical solution to treat the skin. The chemicals remove the damaged outer skin layers to make way for healthy, new skin to grow. A TCA chemical peel uses trichloroacetic acid, which classifies it as a medium-depth peel suitable for most skin types. This skin treatment begins with cleansing the skin and then applying the chemical f
or several minutes. The skin may burn and feel uncomfortable during the treatment, but pain relievers, oral sedatives, fans, and/or cold compresses can be used to relieve discomfort. Afterward, the skin may be covered with a protective ointment. The skin may take up to seven to 10 days to heal and will look and feel softer, clearer, and younger.
Laser Skin Resurfacing
Laser skin resurfacing uses laser energy to treat the skin. After administering the appropriate anesthetic, the skincare professional uses a small, handheld device to transmit laser energy to targeted areas of the skin. This laser energy removes the outer skin layer so that newer, healthier skin grows beneath it. It also heats and shrinks the dermis by stimulating collagen so that the skin tightens and renews itself. The treatment itself may take up to one and a half hours and is followed by the application of an antibiotic ointment. The skin may require seven to 10 days to heal and will have a slight pinkish or reddish hue for up to several months. The result of this treatment is healthier, more evenly toned, and more vibrant skin.
Combining Facial Rejuvenation Treatments With Medical-Grade Skincare Products
TCA chemical peels and laser skin rejuvenation can smooth out skin texture, soften acne scars, erase age spots, and eliminate other signs of aging, sun damage, and environmental damage. These remarkable benefits can be enhanced even more by choosing from our medical-grade skincare products at the Spa at Spring Ridge. We offer products from many top brands to provide you with solutions that can be customized for your needs.
Using the proper skincare products before and after your procedure can improve your results, further minimize imperfections, and restore a healthy, youthful, clear complexion. Some of our products that may be recommended in conjunction with your anti-aging treatments include ZO® Skin Health, Avène Skin Care Products, Obagi®, Environ®, SkinCeuticals®, and Glytone. These and many other medical-grade skincare products available at the Spa at Spring Ridge may be recommended to help you maximize the results of your TCA chemical peel, laser skin resurfacing, or other anti-aging skincare treatment.
Taking care of your skin begins with the right products and treatments. Medical skincare treatments and products can help you look your best and keep your skin as youthful and healthy as possible. To learn more, contact us online or by phone at (610) 678-9200 today. We look forward to helping you achieve your facial rejuvenation goals.
This entry was posted on Monday, July 31st, 2017 at 4:01 pm and is filed under Non-Surgical Procedures, Laser Treatments. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed.
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Developments in plastic surgery have recently led to the approval of a new injectable drug known as KYBELLA®. KYBELLA® can effectively eliminate a double chin without any surgery in as little as one treatment. This new treatment, already highly in demand, is now offered by board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Benjamin Schlechter and can give you a more attractive, defined, and slender neckline.
Causes of a Double Chin
A double chin is a colloquial term referring to excess fat or fullness beneath the chin. This area, known as the submental region, can accumulate fat that resists exercise and dieting. The most common causes of submental fullness are weight gain, genetics, and aging. Unfortunately for many individuals, a double chin makes them look older, overweight, and less attractive.
In fact, in a 2015 consumer survey on cosmetic dermatologic procedures by the American Society for Dermatologic Surgery, 67 percent of survey respondents indicated that they were bothered by excess fat under their chin.
How KYBELLA® Works
KYBELLA® is a treatment designed to eliminate submental fullness and restore a smoother, thinner neckline. As an injectable drug, KYBELLA® works like many other injectables. Patients come in for treatment and receive KYBELLA® injections directly beneath the chin. After a short 20-minute treatment, patients can return to their normal activities.
Patients will experience swelling for a few days to a week. Over the following four to six weeks, KYBELLA® breaks down the persistent fat cells, and the lymphatic system flushes them out of the body. Within just a few weeks after the treatment, most patients will see noticeable results. Patients will typically require at least two and possibly up to six treatments with KYBELLA®, after which the results will be permanent. KYBELLA® permanently eliminates a double chin without surgery and can help you achieve a more youthful, slender, and attractive appearance.
To learn more about KYBELLA® treatments, schedule your personal consultation with Dr. Schlechter. Call our office at (610) 678-9200 or fill out our online contact form to book your consultation today.
This entry was posted on Friday, November 18th, 2016 at 1:33 pm and is filed under Injectables, Non-Surgical Procedures. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed.
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Many mothers seek the acclaimed Mommy Makeover procedure to restore their flat waistlines, eliminate stubborn fat, and reshape their breasts after pregnancy and breastfeeding. However, women are not the only ones affected by time, aging, and parenthood. Men can also pack on unwanted fat around the chest and abdomen due to stress, sleep deprivation, take-out dinners, and more. For fathers or any men who’d like to enhance their bodies, male plastic surgery procedures can be combined into a “Daddy Do-Over” so they can reclaim a more masculine, firm, and youthful body shape.
Procedures to Include in Your Daddy Do-Over
Like the Mommy Makeover, the Daddy Do-Over can be entirely customized to include several different procedures to reshape your body. When you meet with Dr. Schlechter, he will evaluate your goals and recommend the most appropriate procedures for your needs. For example, women who get a Mommy Makeover often undergo tummy tuck surgery, breast surgery, and/or liposuction. Likewise, it is common for men to undergo tummy tuck surgery, liposuction, and/or gynecomastia (enlarged breasts) surgery as part of the Daddy Do-Over.
Liposuction: Weight gain leads to fat accumulation in many areas of the body, especially the abdomen, thighs, hips, back, and chest. Liposuction permanently extracts excess fat from the body to improve its contour. Dr. Schlechter will insert a thin, hollow tube through tiny incisions into the target area(s) and suction out the fat deposits. Afterward, areas of fullness will be firmer and flatter, and your body shape will be more attractive and masculine.
Tummy Tuck: For men with stubborn abdominal fat, loose abdominal skin, and lax abdominal muscles, a tummy tuck may be more fitting. Dr. Schlechter will make an incision along the lower abdomen through which he will tighten the abdominal muscles and remove excess skin and fat. The result of tummy tuck surgery is a flatter, firmer, tighter, and more defined abdomen.
Gynecomastia Surgery: Some men develop excess breast tissue or fat in the chest area. Dr. Schlechter can perform gynecomastia surgery to create a firmer and better-contoured chest. First, he will remove excess fat from the chest by performing liposuction, after which he may use surgical excision to remove excess skin and breast tissue if necessary.
Additional Options
The above three procedures will go a long way in enhancing the male body shape. However, if you are in need of other procedures instead of or in addition to these procedures, Dr. Schlechter can go over other options with you. These may include a facelift, KYBELLA®, neck lift surgery, eyelid surgery, and more. Your Daddy Do-Over can help you reclaim your youthful, masculine body so that you can feel more confident and attractive.
If you are interested in learning more about the Daddy Do-Over and how it could help you, schedule your complimentary consultation with Dr. Benjamin Schlechter today. Dr. Schlechter is a board-certified plastic surgeon and has helped thousands of patients over more than 28 years. To schedule your appointment, call (610) 678-9200 or fill out our online contact form today.
Troublesome fat on your abdomen and love handles is difficult to eliminate with crunches and other abdominal exercises.SculpSure® is a highly sought-after laser treatment that can eliminate fat from these trouble areas. With the innovative technology of SculpSure®, patients can undergo a non-invasive fat reduction procedure that can improve body contour with optimal results.
How SculpSure® Works
SculpSure® uses laser technology to destroy fat cells by disrupting adipose tissue, which is the connective tissue where fat is stored. Unlike other methods that use radiofrequency waves to break up fat cells or use freezing or heat technologies to destroy fat, SculpSure® offers controlled hyperthermic fat reduction. The applicators use a light-based laser to permanently destroy up to 24 percent of fat in the targeted area. A single in-office treatment lasts only 25 minutes, but the results from SculpSure® continue to improve throughout the following weeks. Once the fat cells have been destroyed, the body naturally absorbs and eliminates them over the next 12 weeks, at which time your optimal results will be visible.
At least two treatment sessions are recommended to achieve optimal results with SculpSure®, and some patients may need up to four treatment sessions to achieve their desired results.
What to Expect With SculpSure®
During treatment with SculpSure®, you will feel a warming sensation while the laser applicators destroy the fat cells in your abdomen or love handles. Immediately after treatment, you will be able to return to your normal daily activities with no downtime. Over the following six to eight weeks, your body will absorb the fat cells that were destroyed during the treatment session, gradually eliminating them as waste. You will begin to see the treated area of your body slowly shrinking as the body absorbs the destroyed fat cells, and some results may be visible within only six weeks.
An overwhelming 90 percent of patients are satisfied with the improvement in their body contour provided by the elimination of excess fat with SculpSure®.
If you have troublesome body fat in your abdomen and love handles, SculpSure® may be the perfect treatment for you. To schedule your complimentary consultation, please call (610) 678-9200 or fill out our online contact form today.
This entry was posted on Friday, January 15th, 2016 at 4:57 pm and is filed under Laser Treatments, Non-Surgical Procedures. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed.
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Tamra Barney (now Tamra Judge), a star of the reality television series The Real Housewives of Orange County and the spin-off Tamra’s OC Wedding, is known as the “hottest housewife” and maintains a naturally youthful appearance despite nearing 50 years old. Although she confessed that she did have a prior breast augmentation, Tamra has previously rejected all questions about getting “work” done to her face. On a recent episode of Watch What Happens Live!, host Andy Cohen asked Tamra if she has had any plastic surgery or fillers. The drama-prone reality star continued with her denial by stating, “Zero, nothing” and “I’m honest…I don’t lie,” accompanied by a sly grin. Finally, after a little more prodding from Cohen, the blonde bombshell subtly admitted that she’s had “maybe just a little bit” of fillers put in her cheeks.
Injectable fillers, also known as dermal fillers, add volume to the skin to improve signs of aging associated with loss of skin elasticity and fullness. The procedure does not usually require anesthesia, treatment takes less than an hour, and patients can immediately return to their regular activities.
Injectable fillers can improve the following:
Fine lines
Skin depressions
Pitted scars
Fillers for the Cheeks
There are several types of fillers, and certain ones work best for improving particular areas of the face. For the cheek area, Tamra likely had a filler with a thicker hyaluronic acid formula or collagen stimulator. These include:
JUVÉDERM™ Ultra Plus
If you are interested in attaining a rejuvenated facial appearance, please call (610) 678-9200 or fill out our online contact form to schedule your complimentary consultation at Spring Ridge Plastic Surgery. Dr. Benjamin Schlechter is highly experienced performing injectable filler treatment and can help determine the best type for your individual needs.
This entry was posted on Monday, September 8th, 2014 at 2:17 am and is filed under Injectables, Non-Surgical Procedures. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed.
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